Critical Reviews of Mr Robot Seaso 4 So Far?

Mr. Robot (TV Series 2015–2019) Poster

10 /10

At present that it'due south over, I am confident in giving information technology a x.

Alert: Spoilers

Fifty-fifty if yous don't like information technology, Mr. Robot is undeniably a very unique show with lots of great ideas. It's biggest offense to this twenty-four hour period is how much it stole from Fight Club, which is now more or less forgiven by everyone.

The show is very stylish, it's unique photographic camera angles, I honey hoe they play with focus, and zooms. There are a lot of very great little montages, or parts where at that place is a lot of quick editing. The evidence'southward intro alone is unique enough to make people excited for the episode. So the editing is actually on bespeak inthe starting time three seasons, only in the 4th season information technology slows the hell down, and there is an affluence of really long takes, that are actually impressive. Some locations in and of themselves are cute, and the CG is more often than not well washed, although information technology is not a prominent matter in the series, it's just a tool they utilise to make long takes easier to pull off, and it's pretty seamless, with the exception of a scene from 402 Payment Required.

The whole show and the world of information technology is full of details. The title of every episode is very closely tied to the story and the fact that they are hackers in the show itself. There are bodily websites from the world of the show, reddit pages from 2015 (the twelvemonth the show is in), and so on.

The descriptions for each episode on Amazon Prime are really funny besides.

The story and the motivations of characters ever change and the evidence is many things at once, but information technology's always about the primary protagonists's internal, personal emotional journey, it's the key focus of the show. He is a really likable graphic symbol.

Mental illness, hacking, and economic science are all pretty accurately and realistically predicted in the show, that make the world all the more interesting.

The overall plot is but in that location and so that the characters ever have something to exercise, but the characters are the important and interesting part. All the characters are either alone, depressed, anxious, or lost, and the show explores them very deeply. All of them are different then it makes for very fascinating scenes.

I don't desire to say also much, but watch the first few episodes. If you like Elliot and who he is, than go along with it, and e'er watch it like information technology's his show, because it is. Information technology is almost him.

Another advice: Sentry Season 2 in a short period of fourth dimension. Lot of people got bored because there is very little progression in a huge amount of time, and for some, it is frustrating. All the same, continue watching because Season 3 and 4 are universally accepted as magnificent seasons of boob tube.

Thanks Sam Esmail! You are amazing.

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10 /10

The Most Well Thought Out and Unpredictable Prove of All Time.

Warning: Spoilers

This testify is genuinely perfect on and then many levels. The kickoff season although very reminiscent of Fight Club is nonetheless done in such a unique way with unrivalled directing, music and portrayals of genuinely interesting and gripping characters that it sets itself apart from the crowd. Season two although seemingly messy and disruptive on the surface unravels episode by episode and becomes a much deeper delve into the mindset of Elliot and his change ego Mr Robot every bit well as an important part of the overall puzzle presented by the show. Season 3 was at the time of broadcasting my favourite season of television with consistently vivid instalments every week, including merely non express to Impale Procedure, Runtime Error, Shutdown and Don't Delete Me. The bold steps taken by season 3 marked a signal of no return where they had to go hard or get habitation with their final flavor and later on a 2 yr look we got what I believe to be the greatest season of television in the history of the media and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Every episode of flavour 4 is an accented masterpiece in all respective departments. Mac Quayle delivers another incredible expansion to the score which is one of the staples of Mr Robot and is almost unmarried handedly responsible for its gripping atmosphere, Sam Esmail brings his A game firing on all cylinders in directing and writing giving u.s.a. shocking and satisfying answers to the questions that need answering and wonderfully frustrating ambiguity to the ones that didn't and the bandage are all award worthy, from Rami Malek to Christian Slater, Carly Chaikin to BD Wong, even Joey Bada$$ and Elliot Villar! they all deserve the highest possible praise for their work on this show that they accept helped bring to life. Not just is Mr Robot a consistently intriguing and gripping prove only it also sticks the landing making its finale its best episode which subsequently Proxy Hallmark Required, Kill Procedure, eXit and Disharmonize is no small feat. Thank yous to all that helped piece together this incredible puzzle and thank YOU for reading this review. I'm going to give Mr Robot a 10/10. Goodbye, friend.

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10 /10

Season 4 - Wow!

I've loved all 4 seasons of Mr Robot simply i and 4 are definitely the best of the bunch.

Season iv has been an ballsy journey so far. The only downside is waiting a week to detect out what happens next. Once it'southward finished i'll exist bingeing it all once again.

Rami Malek is bright as are the rest of the bandage.


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ten /x

I don't want this to end.

I was in that location when the pilot aired. I loved it since 24-hour interval ane. Season 4 is the all-time!!! Sam Esmail is a genius. Rami , Christian and all of the cast are astonishing. This show is going to end with a bang. I bet the finale will be the highest rated i in television receiver history. And Rami is definitely going to win his Gilt Globe this year too!

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10 /10

Has become my favorite show ever since release

Everything having to do with going against society and conspiracies I require! Mr. Robot is incredibly filmed, written, and has such an exciting soundtrack! I absolutely love the vibes I get from all the splendid things that happen throughout. Some of the all-time suspense ever and profound quotes/speeches. Rami Malek has go one of my favorite actors to watch and I accept enjoyed Christian Slater quite a lot. I can't await till I can own season 4 like I own the other seasons.

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10 /10

a rare and indisputable masterpiece

This evidence is admittedly genius, only it never quite gained the massive acclamation it deserves considering information technology focuses on making every unmarried scene meaningful and visually highly-seasoned, rather than coming up with as many quotable one-liners and high-budget special furnishings moments equally possible. In other words, information technology'southward very different from other shows. This isn't a show virtually a villainous chief grapheme that people mistake as an antihero. This is a show about control: what people practise to gain it, what information technology does to the earth, and how it's really zero more a concept that nosotros obsess over. Mr. Robot is the story of its fourth dimension, and I'thou not saying that considering it's an incredibly made show. It's more than relevant to the country nosotros live in than anything else on idiot box, and perhaps more than than whatever show in history. Recall of every critically acclaimed evidence from the U.Southward., and ask yourself: were they specifically relevant to what was happening in our country at the time? This show is... and it is terrifyingly authentic. Besides being laudable for its accuracy, Mr. Robot truly rewards its viewers for paying attention to detail, much like The Wire did. Subplots are hinted in 1 flavor and left solitary until they come back with a vengeance in a afterwards season, and if you remember the hint then you lot're fifty-fifty more than excited by the payoff. In that location are incredible symbols and motifs throughout every episode, like Elliot'south beta fish "Qwerty", the ominous knocking at his apartment door, Price's references to WWI, Elliot's use of computer language to explain his mental country and the crises he faces, and many more. The characters have their own unique motivations for the things they do, and they never make those obvious plot-device mistakes that characters brand on then many other shows to go the conflict rolling. Ralphthemoviemaker does a cracking job explaining why the camerawork is so amazing on his youtube video about Mr. Robot, so I won't bother repeating him, but definitely check it out for yourself. My personal favorite aspect of this evidence is the villains... they are outstanding. Fernando, Ray, Irving, whiterose, and the rest of the people who attempt to manipulate the protagonists, they all have a unique perspective of the earth and a unique past that warps their moral guidelines. I hope this show gains more praise and recognition for its originality, considering right now it is i of the about underrated shows of all time, and those who capeesh splendid boob tube will hold.

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10 /10

The final episode was the best montion picture I watched my unabridged 32 years of life.

Mr. Robot only changed my life.

I watched over 4175 TV episodes of 92 shows (28 still in production). Merely the final episode (more often than not the last 3 eps) of this masterpiece just bankrupt my heart. I was never and then sentimental for characters in any motion-picture show. But this time it was like taking place of the activeness, feeling the acrimony, the shame, the frustration of Eliot. After watching so much TV, you notice they tend to have similar patterns, similar endings, merely non, no. This mind****** me. The just thing that I want more than is that I want more than of this!

Hats off for Mr. Rami Malek for converting acting into feelings to this level. And thanks to Sam Esmail for being the architect of this masterpiece!

I bow to you!

Thank you.

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x /10

I actually didn't call up I was going to savor this series that much...

Only later on finishing flavor 4, my god what a masterpiece.

From the get-go episode you could tell that the writers knew what they were doing, and knew how to brand an entertaining testify, with lovable and memorable characters, amazing music, and moments that make you feel. The amount of amazing episodes Sam has created is insane and information technology makes me wonder why this show has only an eight.5, it deserves at least an 8.8 or higher.

With all that out of the way, here are my ratings for each season.

Flavor 1.0 - 9.five amazing get-go to a series, peculiarly the start episode, a few episodes afterward information technology gets less interesting, simply afterward seeing episode vi, viii, and 9, I knew I was in for something special.

Season 2.0 - 8.0 a bit of a weak season tbh, it had some really good moments, peculiarly near the end, but at the cease of the mean solar day, it's probably the worst flavour of the bear witness. But it's definitely not bad

Flavour 3.0 - nine.0 significant upgrade from season 2, featuring some really adept episodes such every bit, "runtime error", "kill process", "don't delete me" and "shutdown-r"

Season four.0 - 10.0 words tin't describe how astonishing this flavor was. From having the greatest opener episode in the show to an incredibly sad series finale, this flavour will probably be the most memorable other than season 1. Specially with episodes such as "407 Proxy Hallmark Required", "405 method non allowed", "eXit", "Whoami", and of course, "hi, Elliot"

bravo Sam, bravo.

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ten /x

a modern masterwork

In my spoiler-free summary of this show, I'k hither to express what this bear witness has done to modify everything about how I think of serial drama television. I volition probably come back to practise a follow-upwardly review once the testify is finally over considering I'yard certain this won't practise Mr. Robot justice while the main story is yet nevertheless to be fully unveiled.

From the performances, the ever-so-slowly unraveling global conspiracy in the story/plot, the characters, the directing, the writing, the cinematography, the set design, costume blueprint, editing, and lighting (and something else I'thousand sure I must be forgetting), everything is height-notch for me.

What seems to plow people off of this show is how it radically changes in its second flavor, and even partially through its first season. I guess I can understand this, Mr. Robot isn't a show for everyone. Merely I capeesh this because I personally felt that Mr. Robot came into its own when it started to go super abstract and philosophical and character-focused later in season 2. That'due south where I feel like information technology actually became "Mr. Robot" to me. No matter what, the plot moves nowhere earlier the characters are thoroughly explored. Those are the priorities of the show. The complex conspiracy in the primary plot is often cast bated for character study and emotional development considering the characters are the most important part of the story. This makes it so that once the full truth backside the conspiracy is ready to exist revealed, it'll feel so much more than rewarding getting to experience it with all of the characters that have had plenty of time to be thoroughly emotionally explored. Because, in the end, why care about the people in the world of the testify if that aspect is being cutting short for less impactful story arcs and reveals?

Overall, I'm so happy I discovered this show and at that place is admittedly nothing like it. It is the most one-of-a-kind serial drama series ever fabricated, truly, and undoubtedly the best goggle box drama of the 2010s in my eyes. And that makes Mr. Robot pretty special to me.


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ten /10


I'm sitting here in the dark afterward watching the final episode with a warm feeling in my center and tears in my eyes. Thank you for taking us on this journey. I will retrieve it for the residuum of my life.

Best regards, Simon J.

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9 /10

[9.v] Tailor-made for Rami Malek

A series with a circuitous screenplay, multi-layered plots and ultra-vivid interim by the whole cast, spearheaded by the crimson-like Rami Malek who personified the character'southward dissever-paranoiac personality like a glove. A special kudos to the creator and executive producer, Sam Esmail, for his deeply thought-out screenplay, meticulous execution and impressive choice of actors.

Despite the shows brilliancy and sleek seasons; some filler-similar, surrealistic and "philosophical" events weren't to my gustatory modality and I ever liked information technology more when the flow was brutally uncomplicated, direct, featuring crawly hacking-scripts-writing & execution and Elliot talking to himself. Also, since the beginning, it became clear to me that Christian Slater could take played with more intensity, craziness and gutsy performance. He was too tedious and dull compared to Rami Malek and that ruined a little and negatively impacted on their onscreen interactions IMO.

Y'all desire to feel real presence tainted with hypnotic intensity, watch Stephanie Corneliussen's performance in the show and yous will understand thoroughly what I mean.

A rare, sort of underrated precious stone in the world of series and IMO, second to 'Night' in terms of complication.

  • Screenplay/story: nine.nine
  • Development: 9.nine
  • Realism: 9.5
  • Amusement: 9.5
  • Interim: ix.9
  • Filming/cinematography: nine.v
  • Special effects: nine
  • Music/score: ix.v
  • Depth: ix.8
  • Logic: 9
  • Menstruum: 9.5
  • Suspense/thrill: 9.4
  • Ending/closure: nine

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9 /10

At that place is something wrong

How this is evidence is but 8.v overall rating when just 2 or three epsoides in the iv seasons are merely below 8.5 and more than half epsoides are above ix someone give me a clue

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x /x

I of a kind

Ane of my favorite television serial! Incredibly well written, directed acted, with a great soundtrack. Emotional and interesting throughout all seasons, full of plot twists, difficult choices and hardships.

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8 /10

Watch information technology if you want your brain to work continuously.

Mr. Robot is sweeping upwardly all the important awards (Best drama, all-time actors) and well deserved! When i started to watch this series i didn't expect much, but information technology has blow me away fifty-fifty in the first episode. A dark story about what is right and what is wrong, and the madness that that question brings. The acting is solid and then is the directing.

This graphic symbol, Elliot, is really drawing me in. He's and so fantastically flawed, beautifully subversive, sane and insane. His outlook on the globe is perhaps pessimistic, or big-headed, but there is a truth in his words - his inner dialogue that comes across also-written poetry. By the fourth dimension you're on episode 4, the confusion somewhat kicks in. This is okay though, as each grapheme is slowly condign themselves in the show and synchronizing.

I can tell how each character is going to intertwine for the most part - but Elliot is the master attraction. I believe there are people out at that place who are like him; snorting Morphine 30'south and taking Suboxone and then he doesn't withdraw - a estimator genius and natural poet, and a complete sociopath who abuses his ability over computers and the internet to understand the human condition and even himself.

This show is well worth your time; I recollect fifty-fifty the older crowds (I'g 22) - so basically people who would be my parents, can larn something from this show. They can catch a glimpse of what we're all really like: Sociopathic internet nerds who tweet and text and share, passing information around this sterile state as if information technology's the very air we breath. This show captures the current zeitgeist, or overall spirit of the times - Elliot is just the extremity, of form. A task well done. I give this prove a 9/10

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10 /10

The best role by Rami Malek, By far!

Mr. Robot Staring Rami Malek, Christian Slater, and Portia Doubleday is a work of art. While telling the story of a hard working, slightly struggling cyber engineer with a hard drug habit; it as well depicts a realistic representation of how "our republic has been hacked." It is also a very realistic life story with quotes like, "I should but tell her what she wants to hear," and, "We're all living in each other's paranoia." A must watch for all. There is no better function of Rami Malek than of Mr. Robot'due south Elliot Alderson.

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8 /10


Going in with low expectation, not knowing anything nigh this show, the pilot turned out to offer a pleasant surprise. In short, the testify is a bit anarchistic, like a mix betwixt an sound book and a TV show, simply one rather well researched and executed.

The acting is fairly skillful, the narrative style felt novel and fresh, and there's ample room for various subplots and story lines. The setting as well felt real, equally others have pointed out. Some interesting creative decisions were made, such as blatantly spelling out the antagonist, a company, by giving information technology an unmistakable name. Information technology also makes subtle jokes and pokes fun of things probably just people in the IT industry would recognize.

Whereas most shows and movies seem to throw all connection to reality straight out the window when it comes to IT related stuff, this show does non. In fact, information technology seems extraordinarily well researched for an amusement piece. Existence in that industry myself and having had a chip of "fun" as a youth, I'd accept to say that overall the portrayal of Information technology security and hacking in this prove is leaps and bounds more than accurate than anything that has come before it, fifty-fifty if the circumspect viewer would be able to spot some minute factual errors.

Perchance fifty-fifty entertainment execs have realized they can no longer get abroad with silly and unbelievable things similar "magic moving picture raise", nerdy super hackers who equally through divine insight guess their targets passwords in 1-2 attempts, or with peddling notions of tools that have weeks of artist pattern effort spent on them, for buttons that one time clicked, reveal some information that would logically exist incommunicable to get agree of through the channel used.

It seems equally though we finally take a show that doesn't treat its audience as idiots, and where the writers actually spent some time doing their homework. I'1000 just concerned that the testify may exist targeting likewise minor an audience, an audition consisting of people who do not switch their brains off when they turn on the tele, and every bit such information technology may not be awarded a serial contract.

And so far, highly recommended to tune into if you're interested in seeing something fresh and aren't allergic to narration (getting inside the mind of a somewhat odd protagonist), equally at that place's quite lot of the latter.

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10 /10


If you are going to review this bear witness only having watched a couple of episodes or season 1, then your review looks terribly silly for those who completed it. This is past far ane of the most well excecuted serial in its decade, this isn't Lost where every unexplainabe thing just fades in a distance. This besides isn't Twin Peaks where the bizarre moments will never be explained merely encouraged.

The violence gets real intensive from flavour 3 onwards, information technology gives me the aforementioned intense feeling I got when watching Breaking Bad. Nearly importantly is how the series ends. The last 7 episodes gives yous a grand finale of absolute mind extraordinary intensity that has you shaking at the edge of your seat. Everything unfolds. The best is once you think its the finish, and they cannot mayhap have two or iii episodes left, it blows your listen, makes y'all cry and really understand the world of Elliott.

How a series ends has always been important to me, thats why I loved Vi feet Under and Battlestar Galactica. But Mr Robot is one of the all-time examples of how y'all end a serial!! The writers of the last season of Game of Thrones should accept taken notes. Truly a masterpiece! Information technology stands unique on its ain.

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10 /x


It was perfect.

It was great.

It was great.

Information technology was engrossing.

It was legendary.

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10 /10

Mr. Robot leaves me excited and full of promise.

Did U.s. really just do this? They take managed to give me a combination of the best parts of Swordfish AND Fight Club and managed to make it coherent, suspenseful and a joy to watch. And Christian Slater gives yet another go at TV-Land and may have finally striking the mark!

The premise: A swain working at a security firm past day, and an elite hacker vigilante by dark.

Sounds similar it would be a diameter-fest total of misplaced techno jargon, dry suspense (call back BlackHat?) and poor acting, right? Wrong! Not simply was I amazed at how the story was presented, but I savage in love with the main cast with some spot on character development, Adept use of technological aspects of hacking and a cracking use of voice over.

Color me impressed! I am a calculator geek by trade and they hitting the smash on the caput with almost every aspect of security and defense without making grievous errors (think The Net & the worst aspects of Swordfish). This is a must see for geeks of all ages and even hits the mark for those not so tech savvy.

While the show is littered with clichés, they are all so well done and authentic that I could not discover this an bodily fault with the show. Try every bit I might, I could not find whatsoever glaring faults with the dialog, grapheme development or even the subtle "Big Brother" aspects that they were going for.

This is a MUST continue for The states and I will be ecstatic if information technology gets picked up and more episodes are made (at the fourth dimension of this review it appears only 1 episode has been fabricated). Kudos for United states for taking a risk!

To sum information technology up; if you are a tech savvy user of the internet, smart phones or computers this is an absolute MUST see. Fifty-fifty for those of you not and then tech savvy please give this a go!

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10 /10

Best Tv Evidence E'er Made

I love watching this show. Information technology is a truthful entertaining bear witness. The story is very wonderful and has many layers of action and thriller. It is just awesome testify with wonderful and powerful dialogues.

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x /x

Quite literally one of the best TV Shows ever made in my stance!

Right! I'm non gonna waste any second! Mr. Robot is quite literally ane of the greatest pieces of amusement ever created! A tight, sharply written, expertly acted, fantastically scored and majestically produced TV masterpiece. A jiff of fresh air in an otherwise lackluster state of cinema in general over the by decade or so. This is a show that was carefully planned and executed from the very begining up until the last scene of it. A TV bear witness that had me gripping from the commencement scene until the final satisfying and epic decision. A show that stayed with me, captivated me, haunts me and at the same time inspires me. A show that tells a unique story with multiple social commentary and lessons to be learned from it. Truly, masterpieces like this are hard to come by! I couldn't even fit the plot of this show in this single review, and so instead I'll just talk well-nigh the things I dearest almost this show, so here nosotros go:

The story: This testify has one of the most complex stories I've ever seen in whatever medium. And at times, particularly the first season, it's hard to keep upward with it. There are so many things happening, simply it's non like "Rapid-fire stupidity" from JJ Abrams where you tin't even pause for a second to think nearly what merely happened earlier the next stupid event comes forth. It'due south rather a very layered, multi-dimensional, multi-perspective story total of unique characters that experience and act diferently in their ain way. Only put the plot of this evidence is near a hacker named Elliot who wants to destroy that status quo past tacking down the elevation i% of the height 1%. The ones who play God without permission. From there the evidence develops into something a lot more and dissimilar with shocks and twists amend than almost anything yous see in any TV show. That is achieved mainly due to the fact that the story is told through Elliot'due south perspective, him being the narator but at the same time an unreliable one. So when things are recontextualized, you know you're in for some cool twists. I'll also mention here the incredible work put into programing past the creators of this show. Literally every single line of programing code was done for real and it looks astonishing. And in that location are times when you can gaze upon the algorithms Elliot uses and it'south clear they are authentically fabricated, and that gaves the Show an even more than accurate feeling.

The Characters and interim: As I already mentioned, the characters are all unique, different and with their own unique set of qualities and flaws. And here I'll be going a footling more into the acting of this prove. It is quite literally a masterclass in acting. I mean at times you even froget y'all are watching actors playing some Goggle box roles, but rather call back you're watching someone's life develop in front of you. Non a single performance in this prove is forced, nothing comes across as appaling or overacting. Everything feels natural, grounded in reality and interesting to watch. And it is refreshing to see such good performances with skillful stories, they actually heighten one another. I usually don't get excited nearly acting, because nearly of our film manufacture uses story in club to give actors corking performances to win prizes at awards ceremonies. Simply here, even I must admit that the show is expertly played and acted, with every single actor giving a believable performance that imerses you even further into the world this show creates.

The screenplay: Now, I'm no expert in screewritting only I've watched a decent amount of Television shows and movies to know when I'm watching a well written evidence or movie and when I'm watching utter garbage. And this is a fantastical written testify with excelent dialogue and crazy and unexpected twists that leave the audience at times completely baffled past what only happened. And here is where the actual praise begins. Sam Esmail is the creator of this bear witness and also the author and man does he do a fantastic chore with it. Literally every single aspect of this show is meticulously planed to the point where at the terminate yous'll realise the whole bear witness was carefully planed from the begining. I've mentioned the twists in this show, and well, Sam leaves the greatest and best twist of them all until the very stop in what I tin can but describe every bit i of the well-nigh mind-blowing and satisfying finales I think I've ever watched.

The score: Another thing the show exceeds at is the music. And honestly speaking Mac Quayle wasn't a guy most whom I knew a lot going into this evidence. In fact I never heard of him up until this show. But boy does he delives a fantastic score. The soundtrack is admittedly pitch perfectly made for this show. Information technology enchances the atmoshpere and the tension when it needs to. And at the same fourth dimension is horifingly haunting after you heed it for a while. Truly a master work here!

Honestly I can't say plenty nifty things most Mr. Robot. It's an expertly crafted, thightly written, flawlessly acted, hauntingly scored Tv masterpiece. The like of which you merely find in one case in a lifetime. It's something movie theatre was invented for. No CGI nonsense or overblown big ready pieces, instead everything in this show is grounded, real and very authentic, to the indicate that you could even remember that something like this could very well happen in real life. If I were to pick gripes I might take with this show, the but affair that really bothered me was how the show resolves Tyrell Wellick's storyline. It felt somewhat cheap and glossed over, like they didn't have time to give it a proper resolution, and merely thrown a random scene in at that place. The other thing would be just a pocket-sized gripe, and that is that the show is at times difficult to follow, especially in the 2d one-half of flavor 1 and the entirety of flavour 2. Merely those rather slow burns are necessary in order for the third and fourth seasons to shine. Bated from that, this prove is pretty much flawless in every way. I would even go equally far as calling it the best written show I've watched and in my opinion the greatest written show e'er! It's one of those rare gems that are ignored by many people only which influence and inspire the ones that exercise lookout man them. And I wholeheartedly recomend you spotter this show! Information technology truly is one of the best ever! ten/10

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8 /10

Free from debt and we're truly free

Mr. Robot a true series for the age of information. I call back it helps to exist 30 or younger to become all the subtle nuances going on here. This old homo volition endeavour to practise the best he can.

Our protagonist is Rami Malek a perfect production of the age of information. He'south a computer developer working for a visitor that's supposed to protect from cyber set on their clients, the biggest of which is a company led by Bruce Altman. Said company is nether assault at the moment and the leader of the attackers is cyber agitator Christian Slater in the title role of Mr. Robot.

Malek is a flawed hero similar Adrian Monk and he functions best working and living alone. He'due south got social anxiety and the creators of Mr. Robot accept used a technique first adult by Eugene O'Neill for Foreign Interlude. Through Malek'due south own voice over narration we go the existent activity because the real activeness is going on in his own listen.

Malek is socially dysfunctional, but his skills like Monk are not to be denied. It'south why Slater is recruiting him for his core of hackers looking to costless the globe of debt. Free it of debt and humankind is truly free.

What I find curious is that if this bear witness had debuted 20 years ago Slater would probably the one recruited instead of doing the recruiting. Malek's Elliott Alderson is just the kind of role that Slater would take washed in his salad days.

Mr. Robot is well written and acted and deals with some interesting concepts nearly our age of information.

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10 /ten


S4 E7 all-time off the best on the tv I take ever been seen

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10 /ten

More than people need to see this precious stone of a testify

Alarm: Spoilers


I, similar many people, didn't know about Mr. Robot until a yr ago which is when I decided to give information technology a picket and always since then I've been trying to go more people to picket this spectacular show.

Mr. Robot follows Elliot Alderson, a homo who is a cyber security engineer past day and a hacker by nighttime. One 24-hour interval, a man named Mr. Robot recruits him into his underground hacking grouping to destroy E Corp, the largest conglomerate in the world.

Information technology's been a while since I've finished this show and I'grand still thinking almost it to this day. This is one of my favourite shows of all time. From the opening scene of the starting time episode alone I knew I was in for something special. This is Sam Esmail'southward show and he's directed majority of the episodes. In that location's a item style Esmail uses throughout that makes Mr. Robot stand out. The range of camera angles, the way scenes are framed and the manner every scene is lit makes this prove unique and beautiful to expect at. I don't think there is a single weak episode in this serial. This show's delineation of hacking looks incredibly realistic. The way it's edited and shot make it then intense and entertaining to watch. On tiptop of that we have Mac Quayle's phenomenal score. Whilst I acknowledge it sounds reminiscent of Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross's work, it fits well with the tone of the show and I love listening to it.

Flavor 1 is a nifty introduction into the eerie world of Mr. Robot and its characters. There's a lot nosotros learn about every single character which leads to an epic season finale. It'southward filled with and so many brilliant sequences that'south edited marvellously. The dialogues are fantastic especially Elliot's narration that takes us into his mind and help usa see the globe through his optics. Season ii takes a more sombre turn and focuses primarily on developing the characters. It's my least favourite season out of the iv just information technology introduces interesting characters and threats that build up the stakes for the upcoming seasons. Flavour 3 is absolutely insane. This season amps upward the stakes further and gets to a point where the show becomes cinematic rather than simply a Tv set show. Then we accept Season 4, a season I believe breaks boundaries and has one of the best endings to a testify ever!

I also dearest how experimental Sam Esmail gets with this show. I always looked forrard to the opening title sequence because of how unlike it feels each time. There's i that acts like a sitcom and one in the mode of The Shining. It's very creative and prevents the show from becoming repetitive. Some episodes stand out on a filmmaking and writing perspective. There's one that looks similar it'due south been shot in one take, one without whatever dialogue and one that takes place in a single location. It's these episodes in particular that elevate Mr. Robot's quality and presentation. Aside from the presentation, this show tackles many themes that are relevant. Its commentary on society, politics and mental illness above all makes Mr. Robot so idea-provoking and interesting. It handles these topics with so much care and the planning Sam Esmail and his team did to convey this through the story and characters is nothing brusque of phenomenal.

One of the all-time aspects is the acting. Rami Malek is absolutely stellar throughout. He embodies Elliot and adds a lot of depth to the character through his expressions especially through his eyes that give a tired look to Elliot. It's a difficult character to play merely Malek succeeds in every way. It's so good to see Christian Slater later a long time and he is also fantastic equally Mr. Robot. Carly Chaikin and Portia Doubleday do an first-class job as Darlene and Angela. Martin Wallström equally Tyrell Wellick is amazing. It amazes me how well he's able to play such a strange and crazy grapheme. Michael Cristofer is brilliant equally Phillip Price. I dear his vocalization which makes him a commanding presence in each scene he's in. BD Wong as Whiterose is incredible. This is another role that'south difficult to play only Wong is captivating all the way through. Grace Gummer is besides very skilful here and I loved the development given to her role.

Despite all the praise I'm giving, this shows still has flaws. The twist at the end of Season 1 where we observe out Elliot and Mr. Robot is the same person completely rips off Fight Lodge and at times Angela'due south storyline isn't as interesting as the remainder of characters'.

Bated from the pocket-size issues I take, Mr. Robot will be an experience I'll never forget. The amount of thought, care and planning that went into the show amazes me. Every single performance is excellent and Sam Esmail is a very talented filmmaker who hopefully continues creating exciting films or shows like this in the future.

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